Horticulture Software Solutions
Supply Chain Management for the Fresh Food Industry


The packer's role is to manage the grading, packing and distribution (and possibly storage) of a product.
The packer sends the product to an agent, who sells the product and reports pricing back to the packer.
If the packer has packed produce for other growers, reports detailing prices fetched and packing charges must be sent to the growers.

Packhouse Management Products

In all packer products, the user may add produce types, varieties, size/counts, brands, classes and colours, to manage packing of any produce.
Reporting automatically adjusts to accommodate for new produce details.
The software comes pre-loaded with common industry fruit and vegetable varieties and sizes.

Harvest TraceMaster Grower/Packer

This is the basic product, suitable for a packer who has only a single grower (ie. who packs only their own product).

Key features offered :

  •  Tracking and warehousing/storage of incoming raw product and packed stock
  •  Comprehensive packout management and pallet card generation
    •  multiple brands, varieties, production blocks per pallet
    •  management of multiple packhouses and grading machines
    •  data entry designed to minimise errors inputting pallet data
  •  Comprehensive consignment tracking
    •  calculation of levies
    •  transport costs and ETA's, including multiple-leg transport runs
    •  all paperwork - Con Notes, Consignment Advice, Sales Advice ready for filling in and faxing back by agent
  •  Complete traceability reporting
    •  of specified product back to batch (and block)
    •  of all destinations for a batch
    •  all batches on a pallet
  •  Complete packout and analysis reporting
    •  packed produce by block, batch, pallet, agent
    •  market price analysis by agent and market location
    •  block yield and income analysis
    •  debtors and creditors reporting

Main Benefits Provided

  •  greater control over business management and profitability decisions through better yield and market analysis tools
  •  complete traceability records for product
  •  a horticultural produce management system designed specifically for the task

Harvest TraceMaster Central Packer

This product is designed for a packer who packs for many growers.
It includes the features of the Grower/Packer product plus comprehensive grower reporting functions.

A key feature of the Central Packer product is the optional Electronic Reconciliation, which gives the ability to harness the data generated by electronic grading line machinery to reduce the time delay changing over between growers.

Using the normal (manual) reconciliation method, when changing growers it is necessary to fully pack out and tally the packs from the first grower's batch before starting the next one. This can lead to ten to fifteen minutes gap where the grading line is not running.
Under the electronic reconciliation method, the fruit counts of each size for each batch (from the electronic grader) are reconciled against the total produce packed out for the day, giving the percentage for each batch of the total of the size/count packed. This allows accurate tracking of the ownership of packed produce without stopping the line to tally individual batches.
This feature alone has saved existing customers several hundred dollars a day.

Harvest TraceMaster Central Packer offers all the features of Grower/Packer plus :

  •  Electronic reconciliation of day's packing
  •  Flexible packing charge entry and assignment to growers
  •  Comprehensive grower reporting
    •  grower packout reports by block, batch, pallet
    •  grower invoices showing revenue less packing, transport and levies
    •  grower block yield and income analysis
  •  Grower pricing averaged over individual consignment or by a pool of consignments

Additional Benefits Provided

  •  value adding for growers by providing comprehensive reporting and analysis
  •  labour cost savings through the Electronic Reconciliation feature
  •  effective management of a large grower base tracing ownership, sales and payments of product without additional staff


Electronic Data Sharing

The packing shed is the source of much of the product specification which is passed on to the sales and distribution end of the supply chain. As such, the packer is perfectly placed to provide electronic information to growers, agents and transport companies. The information shared by the agent is carefully controlled via the Harvest TraceMaster 'trust relationships' established between the packer and other organisations.

The ability to send data to the central web site is one of our pilot projects.

Once the data is available on the central web site, growers may log in and view their consignment or packout data. Agents may enter pricing for consignments via the web site.

  © 2002-2015 Horticulture Software Solutions
australia management software amcor visyboard supply chain packing pack shed fruit vegetable shellfish traceability quality stock control melon capsicum tomato stonefruit plum nectarine peach avocado mango apple citrus eggplant zucchini gourmet fruit vegetable rural inventory business QA supply chain quality project mercury woolworths automated EAN barcode barcoding real time tray box carton level agribusiness logistics delivery trucking distribution centre distribution center consignment horticulture innovative efficient crop seed wholesaler merchant commission woolworths settlement discount ordering purchase order revisions market credit authority rural regional