Horticulture Software Solutions
Supply Chain Management for the Fresh Food Industry

Regional Support

The agents below provide regionally focussed training and support for Harvest TraceMaster products. Further local training centres will be developed as the need arises.

General queries can be addressed to support@dharpa.com.



North Queensland

Owen Land

Bytewise Computers, Bowen

Bytewise provides sales and support in all areas of computing to businesses in the Bowen area.

telephone: 07-4786 1613
email: bowen1@tpgi.com.au
website: http://www.bowenbytewise.com.au


Malcolm Frick

CropTech Laboratories, Bundaberg

CropTech provides specialised services to growers, consultants, primary producer groups and support industries.

telephone: 07-41556344
email: croptech@croptech.com.au
website: http://www.croptech.com.au


Northern Territory

Darwin/Katherine Region

Ian Golding

Ian has over twenty years experience in various areas of the horticultural industry. He is currently a mango grower and runs a mango packing business servicing 40 growers.

telephone: 08-8971 7414
email: ian@dharpa.com


Northern Territory

Darwin/Katherine Region

Peter Harrison

telephone: 08-8948 1894
email: pgharr@mpx.com.au



All Areas

Don Gibb

Don is a consultant to horticultural businesses who has had a constant focus on bringing increased efficiency at the grass roots level to the horticultural industry. He has been keeping an eye on international developments in horticulture for some time, particularly in the area of electronic solutions. He has seen a lot of electronic solutions come and go, but believes Harvest TraceMaster is different.

telephone: 03-9602 2710  mob: 0415-214 450
email: dggibb@optusnet.com.au


Western Australia

Please contact Harvest TraceMaster Support.

email: support@dharpa.com
  © 2002-2015 Horticulture Software Solutions
australia management software amcor visyboard supply chain packing pack shed fruit vegetable shellfish traceability quality stock control melon capsicum tomato stonefruit plum nectarine peach avocado mango apple citrus eggplant zucchini gourmet fruit vegetable rural inventory business QA supply chain quality project mercury woolworths automated EAN barcode barcoding real time tray box carton level agribusiness logistics delivery trucking distribution centre distribution center consignment horticulture innovative efficient crop seed wholesaler merchant commission woolworths settlement discount ordering purchase order revisions market credit authority rural regional