(1) Before you start, you will need the Tracemaster SQL Server name. You should be able to find this
on your system audit.
(2) Install from a Tracemaster Install CD, or download the Compact Tracemaster Install here
Note that this install cannot be used to install the database server or 'back end' database.
(3) Run the program 'HtmSetup.exe' to start the install.
The installer displays a screen advising that it cannot find a version of SQL server on the computer.
Ignore this and click 'Don't Install SQL Server'.
Follow the instructions. You will be asked for the SQL Server name during the install process.
(4) Once the program is installed, for Vista/Windows 7, set the 'C:\program files\Harvest Tracemaster' folder
(or 'C:\program files (x86)\Harvest Tracemaster' if 64-bit) so that all users have ‘full control’ read/write
access. Apply to the folder and all sub-files.
(if this is not done, the updates will not work correctly, and you will get a 'version mismatch error' when
running Harvest Tracemaster)
(5) Download and run the latest 'Packer V4 Update' from the downloads page here.
See FAQ BASIC-03 if you have problems doing this.
(6) You should be able to run the Tracemaster application by double clicking on the 'HTM Packer'
icon on the desktop or in Start > Programs > Harvest Tracemaster.
You now need to register the program (see next FAQ).
If you experience errors advising you that the program cannot connect to the data store, please go to FAQ TROUBLESHOOTING-01
(1) Run the Tracemaster program and wait for the login screen to come up. (Note you can log in at
this point, but you will only see a blank menu)
(2) Click 'Register'. Select the company in the 'existing companies' dropdown and click 'Re-register
Existing Company'. Your trading name and ABN should appear. Check they are correct, and 'generate
client code'.
(3) EITHER: contact Tracemaster support and request a registration reply code
OR: self-register by going to 'arrow-of-time.com' and logging in using the user name and password
you have been suppied with. The 'Register Tracemaster' page is in your account pages.
(4) Take the resulting code and enter it (or cut and paste) in the 'Registration Code' box.
Click 'Process Registration Code', and if the code is correct, you will need to enter a Tracemaster
user name with Administrator rights (just within Tracemaster).
This is likely to be the user you normally use to log in.
This FAQ describes setting up a Microsoft SQL Server to store the Tracemaster data on your network.
Usually this is a task for an IT professional, although it may be possible for a tech savvy user to
do since the FAQs below are extremely detailed.
If you need to set up a Wavelink server for your scanners, this is the wrong place - please see the
scanners FAQ.
(1) You can reinstall Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) 2000 by running the program on the install CD if you wish,
but we now recommend installing the latest version, Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 as it provides
significant performance improvements.
USED WITH ANY EARLIER VERSION. For example, if you were running SQL Server 2000 but install SQL Server 2008
on a new server and connect your database to it, the database format is updated by SQL Server 2008 and
will no longer be able to be read by SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 servers.
For a detailed FAQ on installing this (including screenshots), see:
For more a more general discussion of installing SQL Server Express, see:
Once installation is complete, make sure to record the SQL Server name on the system audit document
(see FAQ BASIC02).
(2) If you are an experienced SQL administrator, you should be able to recover the old database to the new server,
or install the blank packer database 'HTMPackerProd.mdf' database from the DB folder on the install CD.
If you are NOT familiar with SQL administration, then the following procedure should work:
(3) Install the Tracemaster program as per FAQ INST-01 on this page.
If you have SQL Server 2005 or 2008 Express installed, you may get a message about the installation program
not being able to find SQL Server on the PC. This is because it is trying to detect an SQL Server 2000
installation. You can ignore the message and choose 'Don't install ...'.
(4) Start > Programs > Harvest Tracemaster > Troubleshoot HTM Databases
Click 'continue' and ignore any warning about the computer not being the host of SQL Server.
Once the program is open, tick the 'This PC hosts the SQL Server' box.
The issue is that when SQL Server is running, it locks the database files so that they cannot be modified, copied
or deleted. It is necessary to 'deactivate' a database to allow it to be copied or replaced, and then to 'activate'
afterwards to allow continued use of the file by SQL Server.
(a) You should see the path of the production (HTMPackerProd.mdf) database path listed. This tool will allow
you to deactivate the database so it can be removed, and the old database put in its place, and then reactivated.
(b) If you have a production database named something other than the standard name 'HTMPackerProd.mdf', you can use
the 'advanced' tab to located, deactivate and reactivate databases.